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First ever Oman ‘Indicator-Use’ research: Motorists know the importance, but fail to use it comprehensively

First ever Oman ‘Indicator-Use’ research: Motorists know the importance, but fail to use it comprehensively

Apr 18, 2016 (0) comment

  • 66% claim to indicate ‘almost every time’, but credit only 13% of other motorists for the same.
  • 38% find indicating is a sign of inexperience, don’t indicate out of habit or don’t use it because it’s not common in the home country.
  • 93% state that indicating increases road safety.

The lack of using indicators properly is not only an act of inconsiderate behaviour and law breaking, but also a primary killer on the roads, lane swerving (according to recent surveys in the region). In line with OQIC Insured’s quest to dig deeper in understanding the root cause of motorists misbehaviour, this most recent research sheds light on the use of indicators when we change lanes, take an exit, merge onto a highway, turn at a junction, etc.

Commenting on this research, Ewen McRobbie, CEO, Oman Qatar Insurance Company, said: “It’s shocking to see the discrepancy between how people understand the way they should use the indicator and the way they see others use it – we need to understand how we as an integrated part of Omani society can actively promote the use of indicators on the roads as it would be a major element towards increasing safety on our roads”

Indicator use and road safety:

93% of respondents state that the use of indicators increase road safety, yet only 13% of the drivers on the roads are seen to actively indicate correctly – there is a big gap between the perception of motorists’ own behaviour and their perception of other motorists’ behaviour!

“These latter numbers seem to represent the reality better than the self-evaluation”, states Frederik Bisbjerg, Executive Vice President MENA Retail, QIC Insured

Some of the reasons for not using indicators could be indicative of the various backgrounds of Oman’s traffic participants. In those instances where respondents did not use their indicator, the reasons given were: non-indicating out of habit (9%), indicating is seen as a sign of inexperience (13%) or indicating is not usual in home country (16%) – shockingly, 13% don’t find it important to use the indicator (even though 93% agree that it will increase road safety)

Bisbjerg concludes: “Continued awareness initiatives are needed to remind motorists that the non-use of indicators does not only break the law, which comes with traffic fines, but is also impolite, inconsiderate and dangerous, as it contributes to lane swerving – a primary killer on our roads. Always using the indicator protects us motorists, our passengers and other traffic participants. Regardless of our backgrounds, all Omani motorists must have a crystal clear understanding about it. Just always indicate – it’s as simple as that! ”

The results of the study are based on the views of a representative sample of residents in Oman and the study was conducted in February 2016 by YouGov. The details of the research results can be found at www.roadsafety.qic-insured.com. The Road Safety Monitor is created by RoadSafetyUAE with OQIC Insured as a strategic partner


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